Proud to be Indian - Proud of India


Every Nation has its own traditions , Custom and Culture.Citizens of different countries are recognised by their History and Culture. Bharat is a great powerhouse catering to almost all the Developed countries major or Big global companies. Our mother India has Top Talented and very high qualified professionals in the world. Hindi and English are two  main official languages of India. India is a really rich country with great Traditions , Customs , rituals ,culture and India has been known to have beautiful costumes and Dresses too. Indian and cultures of Western countries are diametrically opposed. The reason for this difference is that western's culture is based on the principles of Materialism, whereas culture of India  is based on the principles of LOVE and SPIRITUALISM.

Indian women love wearing traditional costumes and womens look so beautiful , graceful , decent and glorious. Indian women and men have always liked to dress up in their traditional Indian costumes, attires and accessories during Indian festivals and other occasions which are now an integral part of Indian culture and Lives. Indians Consider their family the most important institution and only because of This quality India has survived through the ages. Family is the foundation stone of Indian society which modifies Young India's behaviors and cultivates Love , patience, tolerance, respect for elders, affection, care , affection and sacrifice.

Most Indianz have very sharp observational skillz and note fine detailz.Indianz tend to convey and perceive ideas and feelings through Gestures and behavior. Culture of India is unique and has its own values. Indianz are family oriented people. While the children in the West countries are brought up to live an independent life, Children of  India are not brought up in that way. In culture of India, there is respect for the women , elders and elders make decisions for their Children. But in western culture, each individual makes his own decisions and decide how he/she wants to live their life.

Culture of India treats guests as god and takes care of guests as if they are a part of the family itself. Even though Indians don't have anything to eat, the guests are never left hungry and are always looked after by the members of the family. We proud Indians have a great Hospitality. Youngsters are expected to love , respect, listen, and obey their parents.There is no Impact of western culture on Indian society , I don't know why people are making hue and cry that we Indians are loosing our culture.

Indian woman dress in great purity, shamefacedness , a true submission and sobriety that is why Indian woman are very different compared to other women of western nations of the world. Indian Women have a moral obligation to avoid luring men with immodest clothes. Dressing simple and modestly is a gift from lord and Women of India are gifted with it. If an Indian woman dresses with dignity and carries herself with grace, most Indian men will approach that decent woman with honor and respect. If an Indian woman dresses immodestly like women of western countries, an Indian  man will often view her as a sexual object.For women of India Husband ,family and children are more important that her career. If  an Indian woman has to pick one option she always chooses family. As an Indian I am proud of Indian women , Culture and History of India

Humanity, Helping all, Kindness ,Generosity, loving all ,Hospitality and sharing are greatly valued in Indian culture Right from early days of childhood Indians are taught of Good morals and Values.Indians freely exchange food and Property with the neighbors & friends in daily life.

Divorce rates in our India were the lowest in the world. According to a  report or survey the Percentage of New marriages which End in Divorce, in Selected Countries in 2002 (Ranking) are:

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